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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Yamaha Guitar

Yamaha Guitar is number one!!!

Yamaha makes just about everything in Japan from jetskis to motorbikes to cars to keyboards to guitars. You’d think a company that really doesn’t just hunker down and focus on making one thing would just make cheesy guitars, but that’snot the case. Yamaha makes some of the most sought-after original guitars out there. For example, the praised SG-3000is of their own design. So impressed with this model was Carlos Santana, that he commissioned his own version to be built.They also made some extremely solid and beautiful “Super Axe” guitars, which are essentially Gibson ES-335 models. Yamaha also dabbled in making “lawsuits” of Fenders and Gibsons in the early 1980’s, the Fenders under the name“Super R’inRoller” and the Gibsons under the names “Studio Lord” and “Lord Player.” All of these replicas were verynice, but many were lower-end versions that had unmatched woods, yet played extremely well and sounded amazing.There were a limited number of really high-end clones produced, and they are out there, somewhere, but surface infrequently. If I ever have any to offer, they are always the higher-end versions.

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